eTextbooks are the new eBook frontier. They're inexpensive, easy to obtain, and much easier to haul around campus. If you've ever thought of writing a textbook, now may be the time to consider writing a digital version or updating a print textbook to digital. While still in its infancy, eBook textbooks are becoming more popular:
- At Pearl River Community College, the majority of their courses will use eBook textbooks rather than print textbooks.
- CABI will be providing a selection of eTextbooks to libraries
- The city of New York contracted with Amazon to provide eBook textbooks to their 1,800 public schools
- Barnes & Noble has a reading app for textbooks
- Making the eTextbook interactive
- Offering bulk licensing discounts to schools that adopt your eTextbook
- Offering complementing workbooks or online tutorials that expand the students' knowledge in your subject even further