Pricing - EditionGuard

The leading eBook DRM & fulfillment software.

Sign up for a free 14-day trial and join EditionGuard


Annual Monthly

Low fixed fee pricing designed for ebook publishers.

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$0.99 ea


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$0.79 ea

email & chat

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$0.59 ea

email & chat

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$0.39 ea

priority email & chat

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Frequently Asked Questions

Get Started

What if I pick the wrong plan?

No problem! You can switch plans at any time. Pick the plan that looks like the best fit and reach out if you have any questions.

Why is there a download fee?

There is a small fee for each book that is fulfilled and downloaded in order for EditionGuard to remain affordable for our customers. Typically DRM licensing costs are very high and prohibitive for most businesses. We handle the complex fees (in addition to expensive licensing) and give you a simple, affordable invoice based on your usage and plan.

Why EditionGuard?

Here are eight great reasons why customers love EditionGuard.

Dedicated Support

Dedicated setup and ongoing support team are here when you it.

Turnkey Integrations

In just a few clicks, Integrate into your existing WordPress, Magento or Shopify site with our turnkey integrations.

Simple Reporting

Get robust reports of fulfillment and usage by your customers and end users.

Catalog Sync

Sync and automate your entire catalogue with ONIX protocol.

Reader App Included

EditionGuard includes a globally supported reader app on every major platform: Windows, macOS, iOS and Android.

Modern Restful API

No need for clunky, costly setup. Our API is robust, flexible and always improving.

Proven Track Record

In business for nearly a decade – know that you’re choosing a partner who’ll be around for years to come.

Simple Documentation

Simple and clear documentation for you and your end-users.

Securely Sell eBooks Online

Sign up for a free 14-day trial to join EditionGuard and start selling your eBooks online.

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eBook Piracy & What You Can Do About It

A must-know guide on how to protect your ebook from unauthorized distribution online.