Even if you have not yet published your first eBook, setting up an author website is extremely important. Your author website is your readers' entry into the world of you and your eBooks. It's a perfect platform for marketing, and a great place to start building a following of fans who will buy your eBooks.
You can build your own website easily, but choosing the domain (the www.thisiswhereyoufindme.com) is crucial. You should, if at all possible, obtain the domain of your own name. If your name is already taken, try yournameauthor.com. Domains are relatively inexpensive. You can buy one on GoDaddy.com for less than $12 per year. Owning the domain is just the start; from there you'll need to determine whether or not to self-host, access your cpanel, install WordPress, and design the site.
Follow our step-by-step process to build your author website, or simply hire someone who can help you build the site quickly and easily.
Benefits of an Author Website
When you own your own website, not only can you have an about page that tells people who you are but you can have a blog on which you write about everything from your eBooks to your writing process. You can announce upcoming publications, host your own cover reveal, or simply keep adding new material to keep people interested.
Make More Money
Once you have built your website, you can sell your eBooks directly from your own web page. By accepting Paypal and installing the EditionGuard WordPress plugin, you can quickly and easily start selling the eBooks you worked so hard to write.