NaNoWriMo is a writer's community that gathers every November to encourage each writer to get 50,000 words down. They don't have to be perfect or pretty, but the point is to just get them written. The movement has gained popularity over the years, helping countless writers complete their books in a single month.
If procrastination is your weakness, NaNoWriMo may be able to help, and it's not too late to sign up , because, as they say, “The world needs your novel.”
Last year, more than 175,000 people participated in NaNoWriMo with more than 40 percent of those participants reaching the 50,000-word goal. NaNoWriMo offers writers the ability to connect, collaborate, and encourage each other to just keep writing.
EditionGuard NanoWriMo Success Tips (that You Can Keep Using After November)
- Set aside time to write every day. Schedule the time on your calendar and make yourself unavailable.
- Turn off your phone, log off of Facebook, and disconnect from any of the distractions that will keep you from focusing on your writing.
- Don’t be hard on yourself if you don’t make a daily writing goal. Just keep pressing forward.
- If you can’t complete your ebook by the end of November, don’t stop!
- On days when the words simply won't come, spend time developing plot and character details that will make your eBook richer.
- When the writing is done, the work is not: edit, refine, polish, and fine-tune.
- Don't wait until your book is complete to begin marketing yourself and your title.